WAHSUN IN PERSPECTIVE Problems and Prospects in Pioneering Sectoral Networking in PSI*
INTRODUCTION The West African Health Sector Unions’ Network (WAHSUN) occupies a pride of place amongst the five sectoral networks of Public Services International’s affiliates, on the African continent. This is largely because it was the first to be formed. We do feel privileged that the Network has been invited several times by our sister networks and the PSI, to throw some light on the experience of building WAHSUN. This year’s English Speaking (East & West) Africa Sub-Regional Advisory Committee (SUBRAC) meeting provides yet another veritable platform for us to present perspectives on the origins, growth and development of WAHSUN. We shall equally seize that opportunity of looking at where we are and how we got here, to rub minds on what might be the next steps to take in building on the initiative, drawing on earlier discourse in this direction. This is particularly important as the 2 nd Biennial WAHSUN Conference is scheduled to take place in barely two months’...