NUMSA Supports Nigeria's Workers

The National Union of Metalworkers Union of South Africa (NUMSA), the genuine and trusted ally of the Steel, Engineering Workers Union of Nigeria (SEWUN) supports the ongoing class struggle against high fuel prices imposed on the working class by political elites and fuel profiteers.

We denounce the current profit embedded Capitalist assault meted against the working class on their right to cheaper and affordable transport, access to basic amenities and a right to free and unhindered movement amidst deepening of capitalist crisis and worsening living conditions in the world today.

We pledge our solidarity with the entire trade union movement and broader working class in Nigeria. We are fully aware of the consequences and devastating impact the high cost of fuel will mean to the workers, marginalized, unemployed, youth and the poor of Nigeria. It is the very same workers and the poor who will have to endure the burden and hardships of soaring food prices and escalating cost of transport.

Our militant and agitated workers across the length and breadth of our country identify with the class struggle waged by the working class in Nigeria. We call on our allies SEWUN, and the entire trade union movement to intensify their action until government concedes to workers and the poor's demands.

Cedric Gina Irvin Jim
President General Secretary


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