The Federal Government’s contempt for Nigerian workers was expressed once again yesterday as it threatened to invoke the “no work, no pay” clause of the Trade Union (Amendment) Act, 2005. What arrant nonsense! Has any of the endless numbers of ministers, special advisers, senior special assistants, special assistants etc ever failed collect “pay” from the public treasury for doing NO WORK,? Or what work have they done, with the way Nigeria has continually moved from bad to worse as a nation, economically, politically and socio-culturally? How many service chiefs and IGP have been sacked for not being able to halt the menace of Boko Haram? Which minister of industry has lost a dime for the continued de-industrialization of an economy that was under-industrialized from the word go?

It is however not surprising that the state makes this threat. Its functionaries are worried & scared silly! They had thought that we would go on strike for just two days as some of our socialist friends had suggested. They never imagined that we would find the embers of fire and fan the blaze of revolutionary struggle! They felt they could brave whatever we have to give. But they failed to gauge the power of the working class and the steadfast determination of Nigerians as a whole. They hope to separate the working class from the mass of Nigerians, as they know the great might of the working class and understand how united & determined WE CANNOT BE DEFEATED!

It is not only the state feels our strength and wants to break it. Oh, what a damned wish that is! It is the capitalist class of exploiters and oppressors as a whole! This is why the “no work no pay” principle is supposed to be applied to both public and private sector workers. But, THEY WILL FAIL! We will continue with this struggle and we will get our pay at the end of it, because WE WILL WIN!

This is a popular struggle; this is the people’s struggle. We will not retreat and we will not surrender. It is REVERT FUEL PRICE TO N65 & it is about our dignity as a people and our desire to win our self-emancipation. Nigerian workers ARE NOT shaken by this balderdash.


Baba Aye, a Deputy National Secretary of the Labour Party is the National Chairperson of the Socialist Workers League


leeleeradio said…
Solidarity with Nigerian workers from the USA!
leeleeradio said…
That is leeleeradio, also known as companheiro Adam

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